'Morris' - Meet The Animals

'Morris' - Meet The Animals

"Morris" is all grown up and will leave us soon, so we are enjoying that he still comes to visit. Our moose and deer are fortunate to be allowed a slow release.

With most wildlife the release is short and permanent, meaning you bring them to the release location and open the door of the transport box and off they go. Do to our location with ungulates we can do it different, only a few month old we open the doors here on our place first for a few hours, gradually extending the time.

As we are still bottle feeding the fawns and calves don't go to far, but have the advantage of browsing for natural food. By fall we only lock them up for the night to protect them from predators, replacing the mother that would be watching over them. In January we stop that too  and the youngsters are free to go. Usually they hang around until March or April and then disburse.

In the wild the survival of the first year is the most critical and difficult, with this slow release method we give our ungulates the best possible chance at a long and free life


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